March 29, 2025

I was Very Mature and Ahead of My Age : Mandy Takhar

Mandy Takhar

The Punjabi actress who is born and brought up in England did her first debut film with superstar, Babbu Mann and is currently Riding high on her latest Release, Rab Da Radio. Mandy Takhar is one of the prominent faces today who has already worked with the biggies of Punjab film industry in the span of 5 years.Grab her brewing journey from England to India only with PollywoodBoxOffice – Movies, Music and More…


PollywoodBoxOffice: As a Britisher in the Pollywood, how has your experience been so far?

Mandy Takhar:I came in the industry at a time where Punjabi films were growing in a fast pace. Budgets were getting bigger and lots of artists were getting involved. It was great to see regional Punjabi cinema grow so much. I have seen it and in the days to come, it will grow even more.


PollywoodBoxOffice: You’re born and raised in United Kingdom and you entered the industry directly. So, did you ever feel like an outcast when you entered Pollywood?

Mandy Takhar:I dont know if people think about me in that way. Nobody can figure out if people are being rude or fake because I get appreciated for my work. No one came up to me and said that I want an outcast.


PollywoodBoxOffice: How much did you have to struggle as an actress?

Mandy Takhar: I come from zero acting background. Its been 5-6 years that I am staying alone here, I knew no one when I came in the film industry. I had to build my own castle. I believe I am still struggling, I have to achieve so much more.


PollywoodBoxOffice: How were you as a child?

Mandy Takhar:I was very mature and ahead of my age. I was very focused and decisive. I knew exactly what I wanted to be as an adult. I pre-decided everything even before becoming an actor.


PollywoodBoxOffice: Did your family support you to become an actress?

Mandy Takhar:Yeah, they did but they also werent on the moon when they came to know about my decision. They wanted me to give it a shot. They were never against my decision. I always believe that you must follow your instincts. If you listen to someone else then you start blaming them for your decisions in life.



PollywoodBoxOffice: What are your upcoming projects in Pollywood and Bollywood this year?

Mandy Takhar:I am currently Excited for Rab Da Radio with Tarsem Jassar. There are Projects in Pipeline for Punjabi Cinema , Nothing from Bollywood has got excited me till now.


PollywoodBoxOffice: Who is your inspiration?

Mandy Takhar:I never got inspired by any actor. I got inspired by my own.


PollywoodBoxOffice: Who are your favourite actors?

Mandy Takhar:I see everyone equally. Everyone is doing a good job and I am happy for them.


PollywoodBoxOffice: Where do you see yourself after 5 years?

Mandy Takhar:I would like to see myself successful doing more work, being a part of the industry in bigger and better ways.


PollywoodBoxOffice: What are your hobbies when you are free?

Mandy Takhar:I watch movies, listen to music or travel. I like watching the sunrise, sunset.


PollywoodBoxOffice: What do you like Maa ke haath ka?

Mandy Takhar:I like Kadhi and Chawal.


PollywoodBoxOffice: Any message to your fans?

Mandy Takhar:I really, really appreciate the support and love that you give me. I will work even harder to make my fans happy.

By Mousumi Paul

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